Sunday, August 03, 2008

Good Living Growers' Market, Pyrmont

Went to the Good Living Grower's Market on Saturday. Got a few items and went straight home after since i had to keep certain things in the fridge.

1) Pooh's Goo, it's got a goo-ey texture and taste abit like chocolate. I think kids will love this one.

"A special honey ideal for Pooh & Rabbit to share at tea."

Would you like a cup of tea??

2) La Tartine's Spelt Sourdough Bread

My first time trying the sourdough bread. A friend recommended, and it is quite heavy, like she said "as heavy as a brick". Not easy to slice the bread.

Had two slices as soon as i got home,it tases really good.

3) Peel Valley's strawberry flavoured milk

I wanted to get the one without flavour but they don't have it in small size so i had to go with the flavoured ones. My brain was telling me to pick strawberry flavoured over chocolate at that time.

Bought some other stuff too like the Angus steaks, beef sausages and some veggies. Dumped them all into the fridge already.

1 comment:

aids said...

woooo...someone's blogging again.
food looks yum. so umm...tomorrow nite yeah chengy? thanks.